Course Overview
Welcome to the Advanced Python Programming course! This course is designed for those who already have a foundation in Python and want to take their skills to the next level by mastering advanced concepts and techniques in Python 3.
Here’s what you’ll explore:
- Object-Oriented Programming: Explore OOP concepts in depth to create structured, reusable, and scalable code.
- Date & Time Management: Handle dates and times in Python to build applications that are aware of temporal data.
- Regular Expressions: Use regex for powerful pattern matching and text processing capabilities.
- HTTP Interactions: Connect with web services, make HTTP requests, and work with APIs to create interactive applications.
- Networking: Understand network programming and build applications that can communicate over networks.
- Threading: Learn to manage multiple threads to create faster, concurrent applications.
- File Operations with PDFs, Images, and Emails: Manage and manipulate different file types for more versatile applications.
By the end of this course, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle complex Python projects and have the confidence to develop efficient, real-world applications.